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Classic Massage Course Videos (test)       this is a test video at Brighteon below is the same url set with a link in an attempt to embed it.       this is a test video at Brighteon below is the same url set with a link in an attempt to embed it.

Seafood and Egg Safety New Articles March 14.2022

Seafood foodborne illness. Be sure food is safe
Be careful buying seafood
Be careful buying seafood

Seafood fish food borne illness: Here’s how to keep you and your family safe! 

How can we know our seafood is fresh and safe to eat? What about eating raw seafood? This excellent long article based on notes from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency is a good lesson you can remember and use to benefit everyone, for the rest of your life.   Look Here



Egg Handling Safety
Egg Handling Safety

Egg Safety;

What You Should Know

Important tips to keep you and your family healthy and safe. Know a healthy egg and how to avoid sickness from bad ones.




How To Grow Potatoes in Old Tires

The biggest issue I am getting from the news  March 3, 2022 is about lack of grain production thanks to this Russia/Ukraine Conflict. We must grow as much food as we can to make up for the difference. You can plant potatoes in tires stacked and filled with earth. Pour earth into one, plant it, then stack on another tire, plant it and continue 3 or 4 tires high. Potatoes are very healthy food, and provide the complex carbohydrates and calories we need. It would be ideal if all Singaporeans grew some of their own food.

This is the easy way to have potatoes growing even if you have very little space for planting and can’t stand the work of bending to the earth to harvest them. You can grow potatoes very easily using old tires as planters. Discover How To Do This Without Back Breaking Labor. LOOK HERE>>> 




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