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Host A Discussion Group

Host Wine or Food Tastings and… wine discussion/class/lectures, or new bakery goods or new coffee or new menu items for a test and a discussion about food,  and cooking. 

The better that patrons know the chef the better they’ll like him/her and the more inclined they are to come in, dine, talk to friends about how s/he teaches classes and how they like him/her so much, and so on. The chef becomes a topic of conversation and then dinner arrives and everyone says, “Oh! He’s really good. This is delicious!”

You might be serving wine.  Hosting a wine tasting event brings people together inside your restaurant for a new experience. They’ll be able to taste different wines that you serve, learn how to properly drink wine and develop a new appreciation for it. By hosting this in your restaurant you’ll also be giving people who otherwise wouldn’t be there a glimpse of what you have to offer. Put on a good event and they’re sure to come back!

There are many good reasons to hold an event. A book discussion with a local author, a discussion with a local investment advisor,  a discussion about health care, host a local realtor, or bring in a veterinarian to discuss pet care. Almost every week you can offer a meeting at your place to interest a group in something. The speaker gets more customers, you get more dinner sales. Everyone benefits!



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