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How to Lose Belly Fat Part 4 | 27th Oct 2021

Reduce Refined Carbohydrate Intake

  1. Cut back on refined carbs

Reducing your refined carb intake can be very beneficial for losing fat, including abdominal fat.

I rave and rant a bit about the article writers and I’m looking at a good example of poor writing from someone who doesn't know his subject. The author talks about counting carbs and does not differentiate between refined “simple” carbohydrates and natural “complex” carbohydrates. To any good physiologist this completely insane. Do you drive a motorcycle or car? Would you put the wrong fuel in it? No??? Why?  Then why put the wrong fuel into your body? Because the wrong fuel will ruin it, just as the wrong fuel will ruin an engine.

Do you dine out and stop and run a calculation for carbohydrate grams? I can just imagine you in Lavo calculating the simple carbohydrate grams in their chocolate layer cake. (Not Likely!)

The “dangerous carbs” are also called “simple carbohydrates” and they are mostly milled white rice, white flour, and white sugar in nearly any and everything.

Natural carbohydrates from vegetables are healthy for us. 

In a few words, Complex Natural carbohydrates are an excellent source of nutrition and energy. They can include

  • potatoes WITH the skin (because the dark color in the skin is from minerals.)
  • Also: brown rice, or rice that has not been so “well milled.”
  • And: Cooked vegetables, stir-fried, and steamed just as the Chinese cooks on farms have done for Centuries. That is some of the healthiest food you can eat.

Are you a bit confused. “Dr. Steve, Am I going to be forced to live on a weight loss diet forever?” and the Brilliant Answer is...

No! You must get comfortable with a different eating style and I’m going to make that MUCH EASIER FOR YOU in a Low Glycine Index Foods List article tomorrow.

For a while I’ll discuss healthy eating and that will be the foundation for getting you and other readers healthier. From there, my other articles will make better sense for you and if you need them, application of what they teach should be easy.

Perhaps MOST IMPORTANTLY, you will get well, healed, cured! We’re not going to cover symptoms with 32-different medications for the rest of your life. We’re going to get well naturally the way the body’s designer intended, and we’ll stay well, bright, smart, energetic, sexual, youthful and happier for years.

Does this promise actually work? Does it come true? I am my own best example. I started an interest in natural healing at age 12, and found the real answers I needed at age 28. Now I’m edging day-by-day toward age 72. I am still flexible, physically very fit, exercising, younger women sometimes show an interest in me. We foreigners know the women here are hoping to find a partner who can comfort them in style. But the ones that meet me seem to like me.

I do have a younger woman partner and she seems to be very happy with me. I’m trying to be diplomatic and delicate here. All systems work. I have no health problems. My woman asks me to give her a full body massage and more very often and I’m thankful to do that. For me this is a form of worship and I thank God for her and this “marriage” as I care for her.

I start my day around 4 AM, and work until it’s too hot in my little apartment office, so it works out I’m at the desk at least 8-hours daily and that is 5 and 6 days/week. I might take a half-mile long walk to the local grocery stores and farmer’s “Public Market,” shop for more food or something, and walk the half mile back, (or ride if what I have is very heavy.) I’m awake until 9 PM studying or writing more. None of my old high-school mates are in this condition. I’m the only one I know like this at age 71. Yes, it seems to work. Lab testing indicates I am physiologically at least 20-years younger than average American men the same age.

What I plan to teach and what is in my books will make a major change for everyone who wants to get slimmer, or stay younger, or permanently HEAL their digestive system and get healthy (at last!) and forever. Yes you can do it and you’ll get so comfortable with it you’ll actually cure your “sugar addiction” and enjoy eating real food and living well.

I’ll give you a quick definition from another article about different “carbs” and we’ll discuss more tomorrow and I promise this will make the “how to do this” much easier. If you’re confused now, when we’re done you won’t be confused. All of this will make good sense for you.

Below is a short table of high sugar (that is high glycine index or high glucose) foods, medium glycine and low glycine index foods.

In the next installment I’ll cover more of what to eat and what to avoid.

Refined carbs are also known as simple carbs or processed carbs.

There are two main types:

  • Sugars: Refined and processed sugars, such as sucrose (table sugar), high fructose corn syrup and agave syrup.
  • Refined grains: These are grains that have had the fibrous and nutritious parts removed. The biggest source is white flour made from refined wheat.

Refined carbs have been stripped of almost all fiber, vitamins and minerals. For this reason, they can be considered as “empty” calories.

They are also digested quickly, and have a high glycemic index. This means that they lead to rapid spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels after meals.

Eating foods high on the glycemic index has been linked to overeating and increased risk of many diseases

The Glycemic Index (GI) indicates how quickly high glycine (sugar) -containing foods increase blood sugar levels, compared with pure glucose.

The GI score for glucose, and white bread, is 100. Here is how the scale works:

  • low-GI foods score under 55
  • medium-GI foods score 55–70
  • high-GI foods score above 70

The table below provides examples of foods with low, medium, or high GI scores.

Low-GI foods (under 55) Medium-GI foods (55-70) High-GI foods (over 70)
rolled or steel-cut oats brown or basmati rice russet potatoes
barley, bulgar couscous white bread
butter beans and peas whole-meal bread cookies
non-starchy vegetables rye bread breakfast cereals
milk quick oats instant pasta
sweet potatoes honey short-grain white rice
most fruits orange juice pineapples and melons

Next time we meet you’ll get an example of six of the best low-Glycine index foods.)

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